Internet Resources for Investors

Here are some useful internet resources I use to do my homework.

Stock Information

1. Yahoo finance: I would like to say, it is the best product of yahoo, yahoo sports used to be good too;

2. Google finance: I switched from yahoo to google a few years ago. It shows real-time price and clear interface. Surprisingly, Google recently announced that they will cancel the portfolio feature soon. I may switch back to yahoo finance.

3. Morning star to learn Mutual Funds

Market Futures

Bloomberg futures

Also commodities  where you can find the price for crude/gold/corn......

After-hour Trading Info

Market News and Forum  
My favorite site to get news. Here you can discuss your opinions with other investors, read their analysis articles (some are professional)

A similar site is


Use their apps, which are better than the website.

Stock Screening Tool

If you have good resources, please share with me by commenting. Many thanks :)
